Young Adults

Let's get together!

Young adulthood is a pretty unique phase of life—it's exciting, confusing, hopeful, stressful...all of the things. As you're navigating all that and then some, having a space to gather together with other Christians in the same phase of life is HUGE.

You 18-29? Let's gather in community, get to know each other, and learn more about Jesus together.

The deets.

Next gathering = June 7, 2024 | 6:30-9 pm

Where: Eagle Brook Church - Minneapolis
(Parking is available across the street at the Harmon @ 11th Ramp.
Parking will be validated at no cost to you. Just make sure to grab your validation ticket at the campus.)

Who: Anyone ages 18*-29
(*must be out of high school)

What: Gatherings of Eagle Brook's young adult community that include time to connect, worship, learn, and grow together.

How it all started...

More ways to connect:


1. Groups meet at various times throughout the year.

2. Use your gifts & abilities to
serve others at church.